Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Communist Plot? Crazy How Thought-Provoking Jokes Can Be ...

This has been the summer of educational conferences, which of course I knew when signing on the proverbial dotted line ... and I can honestly say that I will be a better teacher next year because of all the professional development work I've done this summer.

A lot of times, particularly in my early years of teaching, I found professional development stuff to be pretty much a good opportunity to zone out, to count dots on ceiling tiles, to plan units and lessons completely unrelated to the topic at hand, and so on.

But the absolute highlight of my summer professional development work happened this week when I ended up partnered with my colleague and friend Bob, who is kind of like my big brother at work.

I wore a red and white striped shirt to a schoolwide assembly last year, and he had the whole school calling me Waldo.  I scratch my nose with my middle finger when he walks into a room.  He's a trip.

I also taught his daughter 9th Grade English and am on a committee with his wife, so I do know a more serious side of Bob, but that was not what was memorable this week.

So we're told by the training facilitator to choose a controversial subject that we can argue one side of and then get together with a partner.

Yeah, I ended up with Bob.

Anyway, the directions were for one person to present their case while their partner listened and, after a set amount of time, the listener had to ask "probing, open-ended questions" that did not give away his or her personal feelings or opinions on the subject.

I talked about a New Hampshire Senate Bill currently under discussion which would expand the use of excessive force.  I'd just read an article about it, and I found myself really interested.  Surprisingly, Bob asked some good questions and made me think quickly on my feet (he later told me he agreed with me that, particularly when you consider the chaos that the word "bullying" has led to in schools, this is a can of worms it would be best to avoid), and that was good.

And then it was Bob's turn.

He argued that line dancing should be outlawed in America because it is a communist plot intended to take over the world.

Yeah, it took me a few minutes to stop laughing, but when I really listened to what he was saying, it was amazing how well he could fit it into the paradigm of communism.  I can't remember his exact arguments because I was trying really hard not to roll around on the floor in helpless guffaws, but it was priceless.

And that is what I love about the possibilities of contemplation coming up in so many different places.

Clearly, Bob was joking, and when he stated his position with a completely straight face, I was laughing so hard I was crying.

However, the scary thing was that he was able to make a very valid, logical, well-thought out argument in support of his (albeit absurd) thesis.

So while it made for a good laugh, it reminded me that you can learn a lot from the absurd, the ridiculous, and, perhaps most importantly, people you disagree with.

It's all about the thinking.  It always is :-)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The 30 Day Music Challenge: A Song That Reminds Me Of a Certain Event

For today's installation of The 30 Day Music Challenge, I'm supposed to share a song that reminds me of a certain event.

This is without question too much information, just to give you a heads up.  Feel free to stop reading.

So I had a vaginal prolapse.  It's actually very common (well, so said my gyno) in women that have had children.  I don't know if she was just trying to make me feel better, or if it's a problem so embarrassing that normal people don't talk about it, but I'd never even heard of it until I experienced it.

My little problem is solved now, but I will tell you that it was pretty disgusting for awhile (I'll spare you the details).  I have amazing friends that keep me laughing always ... they started calling me Lola.

Yup, humor is the best medicine, right?  And so this song will always remind me of the vaginal prolapse ... and how fortunate I am to have friends with the ability to find humor in any situation.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sunday Stealing: The Team Jeffie Meme

Here's the weekly Sunday Stealing event :-) It's very fun to do, even more fun to read ... let me know in the comments if you do it, since I'd love to read it.

Sunday Stealing: The Team Jeffie Meme


Q: Kissed someone on your friends list?

Facebook friends? Quite a few of them, actually. Blogger friends? Not that I know of.

Q: Been arrested?

Technically, no. I did spend a night in a jail cell once. It's kind of a long story ...

Q: Held a snake?
Never ... I am petrified of snakes!!!!!!! I was a pretty fearless kid, and I literally passed out once when climbing a mountain with my family after a snake sneakily slithered out in front of me. **SHIVER**

Q: Been suspended from school?
Haha, yup...I'm a reformed rebel ;-)

Q: Sang karaoke?
When I'm drinking, I've been known to do some embarrassing karaoke ... and one of my friends actually videotaped the last venture (on MY phone, no less lol)

Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
Oh, all the time ...

Q: Laughed until you started crying?
Frequently...I laugh all the time :-)

Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
Yes, and it's always magical (I know that sounds lame, but it's true)

Q: Kissed in the rain?
Yes, and it's also a pretty magical experience. You feel like you're in a movie or something, at least until you get inside and your hair starts to dry and your feet are cold and ... yeah, kissing in the rain itself is pretty amazing as long as you take the aftermath out.

Q: Sang in the shower?

I sing in the shower all the time, usually show tunes or bad '80s music.

Q: Sat on a roof top?
Yup. In the house I grew up in, my mother's bedroom opened onto the roof of our kitchen's addition. I had some good times on that rooftop ;)

Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?

Been pushed in, jumped, it's all the same ... I see water and I have the urge to be in it.

Q: Broken a bone?
Yup, broke an ankle and a wrist skiing (on separate occasions).

Q: Shaved your head?

Came pretty close once.

Q: Played a prank on someone?
NEVER. (How does one convey sarcasm through typing?)

Q: Shot a gun?
Nope. I hate guns.

Q: Donated Blood?
I used to, but I'm not able to anymore because I received blood transfusions following complications from a surgery.


1. You hung out with?

My momma. She was telling me about her evening, when she went to some awards ceremony and actually ran into one of my best friends there. I'd received a text from my friend several hours earlier basically saying, "I'm partying with your mom tonight".

2. You texted?
My ex-husband. I try, I really do ...

3. You were in a car with?
Belle. We went to Chuck E. Cheese today, where she had a productive run at skee-ball and I, for some reason, had the magic touch on this updated (and much larger) version of that old game Operation.

4. Went to the movies with?
I think it was Belle, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was that we saw.

5. Person you went to shop with?
My mother, when we went to buy a dress for me to wear to chaperone the prom. I might be the only woman alive who hates shopping. I need to have a specific purpose if I'm going to go into a clothing store.

6. You talked on the phone?
A bud of mine; we had a scintillating conversation about the human condition :-)

7. Made you laugh?

My dog Mollie ... she got up on a chair and started turning around in circles (looking for snakes or something), began the process of laying down, then got back up and started running in circles again. It was really pretty funny.

8. You hugged?



1. Sang?

Of course :-)

2. Listened to music?

Well, if you consider what's on my iPod to be music, yup :-)

3. Danced Crazy?
Nope ... hindered by the bad back. At least that's my excuse ...

4. Cried?
Yup. People were laughing at an old man who fell in a parking lot. I'm clearly an overly sensitive soul, but the whole situation just made me cry.

FIRSTS .....

1.Who was your first prom (or homecoming) date?

Hmm, I don't think I've talked about him here. I'll call him Jamie, and he is Addie's biological father.

2. Who was your first roommate?

My sister ;-) That was pretty short-lived, though ... I think my parents realized that we'd probably rip the house apart if we weren't separated, so they turned the downstairs den into my brother's bedroom and my sister got moved into his old bedroom.

3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time?

Boone's Farm Blue Hawaii, I think. It was definitely something Boone's ;-)

4. What was your first job?
Besides babysitting, working at Water Country, a local water/amusement park.

5. What was your first car?

I drove my mom's Jeep Wrangler a lot of the time, but my very own first car was a Buick Skyhawk (it burst into flames when I'd had it for only two weeks or so) which was quickly replaced by a 1992 Suzuki Swift.

6. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing?
My paternal grandfather's funeral when I was in seventh grade or so. It was pretty traumatic.

7. Who was your first grade teacher?
Mrs. Fortier, and I think I freaked the poor woman out because I'd be reading Stephen King books surreptitiously instead of completing worksheets asking us to color in all of the objects starting with "T" or whatever.

8. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?

9. When you snuck out of your house for the first time?
Honestly, I never really had to sneak out of my house. After my parents' divorce, my mother was working three jobs and was never home, so we pretty much did what we wanted. After she married my stepdad, the two of them went out a lot and traveled a great deal, and they operated under the assumption that we were "basically good kids", and we were.

Also, my mom and stepdad were really good about letting me go out at all hours to pick up my friends since I did not drink when I was in high school and they knew I was helping out someone who might otherwise try driving home after a night of partying.

10. Who was your first best friend?

Probably my brother. We were very close when we were kids.

11. Who was your first Best Friend in high school?
Since this is an identity-free blog, I'm not going to put their names down. Very cool people, though ;-)

12. Where was your first sleepover?
Probably at my neighbor's house. We were close to the same age and were very close throughout our childhood.

13. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
Usually my mother. You know you're single when this is your answer, right? Also, depending on the specifics of the bad day, I'll call certain friends before I'd call my mother.

14. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid or groomsman?
I was a flower girl in my aunt and uncle's wedding when I was five or so and I was my sister's matron of honor.

15. What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning?
Drank coffee. Or peed. Not sure which came first, and it's entirely possible that I peed while drinking coffee. This is clearly too much information, so I'm moving on ...

16. First time you tied your shoe laces?
I haven't a clue.

17. Are you Facebook friends with your first crush?
Actually, I am. Does he know he was my first crush? I doubt it.

18. Who was the first person you met from the blogosphere?
I don't understand the question. I think what you're asking is if I've ever met somebody in person that I've met through blogging, or maybe who is the first "blogosphere buddy" I've made. The answers are no (well, not yet ;-)), and you don't seriously think I remember, do you?

19. What was the first music album that you bought?

This is a great story. I am a middle child, and my siblings and I are the textbook vision of birth order. My brother (who was perfect) would convince me to do things that were totally his idea (and that he, not me, would totally reap the benefits of), and I'd end up in trouble.

For example, you know the Columbia House mail order music catalog membership thing? Yeah, I became an official member when I was six.

Among my purchases were Eddie Murphy's "Raw" and Accept's "Balls to the Wall". I got in deeeeeeeeeeeeeep trouble for that (my mother was so angry about the amount of the bill that she didn't want to hear my actually very logical argument that Adam was the Eddie Murphy fan and that Adam liked the band Accept and that if I'd bought music for myself, I'd have picked stuff I liked).

20. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Technically, Harrison Ford (I didn't realize at that point in my life that Han Solo was not in fact a real person).

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Stop back and visit other player’s posts. That is really what this is all about, making new friends! Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Stealing: Last Part of "You Can't Be Missed" Meme

Here's this week's installment of Sunday Stealing, the final part of the "You Can't Be Missed" meme.  If you don't do it, you should because it's wicked fun (said in my New Hampshah accent).  If you do, please let me know in the comments so I can check it out :-)

46. Would you ever try to quit one of your addictions, or better said: Bad Habits?
Not at this point in time. I think I need my bad habits to maintain sanity, if that makes any sense. I went to the store once and bought a Coke and a Milky Way bar.
CLERK: Cokes are two for a dollar.
ME: I'm all set, I'm trying to quit caffeine.
CLERK: Candy bars are two for $1.50.
ME: No, thanks, I'm trying to quit candy bars, too.
CLERK: Maybe you should focus on one at a time.

Wise clerk ;-)

47. Could you ever kill yourself to save someone else?
For my children, I would do anything (even "that", Meat Loaf, whatever the heck "that is").

48. Does it matter if break up with someone or have them dump you?
I guess it would depend on how strong the feelings are. Personally, my M.O. has historically been to act like a jerk so I'll get dumped (because I hate breaking up with people ... I can't stand hurting other people). I realize that this isn't particularly healthy ;-)

49. Would you rather have a turtle or a frog for a pet?
A turtle. And I'd teach it to race :-)

50. Would you rather spend a day with Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus?
Um, GAGA! She's admittedly bizarre, but she's a Juilliard-trained musician with the skill to turn herself into a household name. Miley Cyrus? I'd, like, go off the, like, deep end in, like, thirty seconds, dude.

51. Would you rather learn to play piano or guitar?
Piano :-) Although guitar would be neat, also.

52. We're going back to the day. Where did you get your kicks?
Above the waistline, sunshine ;-) (Has anyone else ever even heard that song? I freaking love it!)

53. What Asian country would you like to visit the most? Why?
China ... my sister went there for a business trip (because my sister is a scientist and gets to go to cool places) and said it was really neat. A few months ago, I would have said Japan, but, uh ...

54. Have you ever thought that a passer-by was the one (think James Blunt, here)?
All right, maybe I'm stupid, but I totally don't understand this question.

55. Ever told someone that your fake jewelery was really real?
Nope, because the jewelry I wear IS real.

56. Where are the worst public restrooms?
The Port-a-Potties at fairs. There are a lot of fairs in New Hampshire. A lot of them are really cool. You have to time your latrinal needs well, though, or else you'll be stuck in a cube of stench that is absolutely vomit-worthy.

57. What song was the latest one that got overplayed really fast?
I don't really listen to the radio or get exposed to "overplayed music" these days because I take my iPod everywhere, but I think Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" seems to show up everywhere still, which is kind of annoying.

58. What Friends (American TV show from the 90s) character are you most like?
Definitely not Monica. Somewhere between Rachel and Phoebe. And do you have any idea how old I feel that it was necessary to put the "American TV show from the '90s" disclaimer????)

59. When's the last time you had a Popsicle?
Probably when I had my tonsils out in eighth grade. I'm not a fan of popsicles.

60. What TV show from way back would you love to see reappear?
"Cold Case". I LOVED that show. Not that it's "way back", but I'm not a big fan of TV, so it's about all I've got. Oh, "Unsolved Mysteries" ... that was a pretty cool show.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Realization of the Day: The World Isn't Made for Single People

I just got home from my surgery, and as you can probably tell, I've lived to tell the tale. Seriously, it went very well and I'm hoping that the ERCP procedure will ease some of the pain. I did get a little goofy when they started talking about "starting the Propofol" and had to bite back Michael Jackson references, but other than the multiple IV attempts, it wasn't bad.

But the whole situation made me realize the disadvantages faced by single people, a thought that, believe it or not, had never really occurred to me before.

When I went to the gastroenterologist on Friday for an office visit following the agonizing and unspeakable physical pain of Wednesday, I knew I would be having an ERCP (I have chronic pancreatitis that has occasional hellish flare-ups). I assumed that it would be scheduled for next week, which would have been great because it's my school's winter break.

Nope. He wanted to get it done sooner than that, so the procedure was scheduled for Tuesday. Which was fine, although I wasn't thrilled about having to miss work. No, the really stressful part came when the check-out receptionist reminded me that I needed to have someone with me after the surgery to drive me home since I'd be loopy from the anesthesia.

This is the first time something like this has come up since I've been divorced, and it was crazy how shocked I was to realize that, when you're married to someone (or even in a serious relationship), you can say, "Hey, I'm scheduled for surgery on Tuesday, need to have someone with me since I can't drive myself home".

I have a very supportive family, but my mother had a very important meeting scheduled at work on Tuesday that she couldn't miss, and my father and his family are on vacation in Florida this week. My brother has a limited amount of sick time that he needs to save for his own family (although, to be honest, I suspect that he would have brought me if I'd called and asked him directly), and my sister lives in Maryland. Addie and Belle are on vacation this week, so Addie could have taken me ... but how fair is it to make her sit in a hospital waiting room for several hours, never mind trying to keep Belle occupied?

I am also blessed with wonderful, amazing, supportive friends. However, the friends that I would be comfortable asking a favor of this magnitude--and having to put up with me both before the procedure (I could not have coffee this morning ... it was not pretty) and afterwards (when I might well be loopy, to say the least)--all work. Most of them, in fact, work in my school. So, yeah, that wasn't really a viable option.

I spent the weekend really stressed out about this. The thing is, it had to be done; it's not like I had the option of pushing it back. I also hate--HATE--to ask for help. Finally, I put up a Facebook post asking if anyone would be near the hospital on Tuesday and be able to bring me home after the surgery.

And I learned that I also have wonderful, amazing, supportive friends (and family--my aunt was willing to drive down from northern Maine to take me if necessary) on Facebook. A number of people offered to help me out, although what came up as a challenge was that I didn't have specific times. Because the surgery was set up after hours on Friday afternoon and the office was closed on Monday, I did not have a start time to work with. This was further complicated by the fact that my gastro wanted an abdominal ultrasound done before the procedure itself, which I also didn't have a time for when I put up my desperate Facebook post.

As it turned out, the abdominal ultrasound was scheduled for 8:15 and the ERCP for 10:30, so there was a lot of sitting around time in between and I would have felt terrible making someone wait for that long at the hospital (I brought a book, so I was happy as a lark).

What ended up happening was that Addie (and Belle) dropped me off at the hospital early this morning then went back home (Addie had never driven home from the city that the hospital is in, so this was a big success for her), and then my mom left work after her important morning meeting to pick me up and bring me home. She also bought me coffee at Dunkin' Donuts on the way home, which was pretty wonderful :-)

It's funny, though ... my mom had to sign off on all the paperwork because I "can't make any major decisions" until the anesthesia has worn off. I felt like I was twelve or something. I'm not the most crazy-private person in the world, but I would have felt really awkward if one of my friends (or even Addie) had to sign off on my medical papers and assume responsibility for me post-surgery. It was bad enough to have my poor mother have to do it.

And then I got thinking about the people who are not as fortunate as I am, who might not have people willing to help them out in a situation like this. Okay, I don't have a husband (or even a boyfriend) to have the assumption of responsibility for this sort of thing, but I have family and friends that were willing to juggle.

A lot of people don't. So what about these people? Do they just say, "Sorry, guess I can't have the surgery because I don't have anyone to drive me home from"? I think that would be horribly humiliating ... trying to explain that my mommy was coming to pick me up was awkward enough.

There were a couple of other interesting observations from today, most notably the pregnancy test debacle. (TMI Warning) I am currently menstruating, ergo I am not pregnant, and yet they still insisted on doing a pregnancy test. Not to be gross, but the freaking urine sample was, like, tinged with menstrual blood (no tampons during surgery ... haha, maybe that's what that crazy label that Addie and I laughed so hard about meant), and they still felt it necessary to test it.

Me: Um, I, like, HAVE my period. Do you really need to do this?
Nurse: Is there any possibility you're pregnant?
Me: I literally have my period. As we speak.
Nurse: Have you had sex in the past month?
Me: (blushing) Um ...
Nurse: If there is any possibility you're pregnant, no matter how small, we have to do the test.
Me: That's fine, I understand, but ...
Nurse: (laughing) I hear you, but it's one of those lawsuit paranoia things.

So I did the test, but I still thought it was awkward and kind of unnecessary.

But discovering the strange and unexpected challenges that impact single people is what really struck me about today ... and made me grateful for the wonderful support system I have in place even as I'm suddenly feeling very sorry for single peeps that are not so lucky.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Seven Random Facts About Me

I just had the greatest time reading seven random facts about Mrs. Nesbitt. I enjoyed reading her "random facts"(which were actually totally awesome stories and not random facts at all ;)) so much, in fact, that I figured I'd give it a shot myself. I strongly encourage you to check Mrs. Nesbitt's out, too ... oh, and leave a link in the comments if you decide to do this yourself because I love reading these!

1. My desk at work is a landmark.
And not in a good way. It is piled high with ever-shifting piles of papers that end up mixed together in new and unusual ways. If I was a science teacher instead of an English teacher, it would be a great way to teach plate tectonics. Interestingly, though, I have never lost a student's work, a fact that they comment on regularly.

STUDENT: Ms. Loud, I don't understand it. Your desk looks like a tornado went through it, and you never lose our stuff. Ms. Spike has a color-coded filing cabinet with folders for not just each student but each class and loses our work all the time.

I can't explain this to children, of course, but it's the ADHD mind at work. I will always be disorganized ... there's no way around it. However, I operate under the "central location" theory. If every piece of student work goes in a central location (in other words, my desk), I know it's there somewhere ... it might take me a bit to find it amidst the other thousand papers on my desk, but I know it's there.

2. I met my ten-year-old equivalent last week.
I was at another school with several other teachers to observe their reading program and the interventions they had in place for struggling readers so that we could bring it back to our school. One of the other teachers also happens to be one of my best friends, and suffice it to say that we should not be allowed to go on professional development days together ... we laugh entirely too much.

So we're observing a class right after lunch, and everyone's a little bit punchy, but Holly and I are by far the goofiest. There's this one little guy who just cannot sit still. If you've ever seen a caricature of a kid with ADHD, this was it.

And Holly leans over to the other teachers and whispers, "This is what it's like working with Katie", and we all just lost it.

When the kid was sitting backwards in his chair literally hanging off of it, it occurred to me that I sometimes teach in that position, and I tried to stifle the laughter until I looked at my colleagues and saw that they were all cracking up ... they've all seen me teach, after all.

Although I thought this kid was the coolest, it occurred to me that I must at times be very annoying to the people I work with ;)

3. My favorite author is Stephen King.
I am a voracious reader. I've read all the classics, all the chick lit, all the pretty much everything, and nobody can tell a story like King. Nobody can make characters that you care about, that seem quite as real as the ones he creates.

Nobody can make a book about the craft of writing as interesting as his On Writing, which I would make required reading for my students if there weren't budget constrictions.

I am especially obsessed with his seven-book saga The Dark Tower. I'm so obsessed that I made a blog intended to analyze and contemplate the philosophies contained therein (it doesn't get updated very often, though, although I'm working on managing my time better so I can get back to adding to it).

4. I can do a split. It's a great classroom management tool ...

5. I jumped off a moving train once.
My brother, sister, brother-in-law, and myself went to a Red Sox game, but the game ended up being the least interesting part of the day. I don't want to get into detail because I've been trying to do this story justice in writing for years and it just doesn't transfer well (it's a story made for oral storytelling), but it was totally my brother-in-law's fault.

6. My golden retriever, Mollie, is passive aggressive.
Most dogs I've owned are very sweet-tempered. My black lab, Sonja, for example, just kind of goes with the flow, is thrilled to see you when you get home at the end of the day, sits at your feet when you're reading a book, is thrilled when you take her outside to play, and so on.

Mollie is just crazy.

The best example of this, I guess, is her obsession with balls. She always has a ball in her mouth, and when you're inside the house, she'll drop the slimy thing on your lap as if to say, "Throw it, throw it, I want to play fetch!" The logical response to this action, of course, is to pick up the ball, walk outside, and start a rousing game of fetch.

Um ... nope. You throw the ball once and Mollie goes running after it, retrieves it, and comes back to dance around your feet ... and refuses to give you the ball. After you try to pry it out of her mouth a few times to no avail, you give up and go back inside ... at which point, Mollie comes and drops the slimy ball in your lap and the cycle continues.

Even more annoying, though, is when you give her the ball back and say, "No, not gonna do it right now" or something like that. She hides the ball under heavy pieces of furniture and scratches at it until you lift it up, straining back muscles in the process, so she can get the ball ... and, two minutes later, drop the slimy thing in your lap.

7. I laugh a lot.
One of the greatest gifts I've been given is the ability to find humor in pretty much any situation, a skill that both of my parents possess. They passed on some less positive traits, but the laughter that has permeated my life almost balances those out.

I can't even explain how weird my sense of humor is, or even how simple it is when you get right down to it.

Oh, wait for it ... my phone just gave me an example. Like, perhaps the prime example. Every time I get a text message (or a Facebook update), my phone says, "DROID" in a robotic voice. I've had this phone for months now, and I still crack up every time (every single time) it goes off ... and I get a fair amount of texts and Facebook stuff, so it's not like this is a rare occurrence. And it is still just so funny ...

Most people with Droids change the settings pretty quickly, but I'm just far too entertained by my phone talking to me in a robotic voice that I just can't. My friend Holly and I usually sit together during meetings, and when it's getting rather dry, she'll lean over and whisper, "DROID", and we both just lose it (it took me awhile to figure out how to silence it, so for a couple of weeks it went off all day, every day).

Oh, and during the before-Christmas talent show, we hooked my phone up to the sound system because we were playing a song off it for the eighth graders to dance to. In the middle of the song, there's a sudden, "DROID!" It was just hysterical.

So there you have it ... seven random things about me :-)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Un-Grinching :-)

I used to be super-into the holidays, especially Christmas. When I was a little girl, before my parents got divorced, it was pretty much a month-long party. We'd play Harry Simeon's "Little Drummer Boy" album and decorate--always with the same ornaments--and it was just a really good time. The local newspaper actually does a feature on Christmas stories each year, and I actually wrote about my experiences with my dad and Christmas (he is like a little boy around Christmas, even now)a few years ago.

And then, after my mother remarried, my stepfather became part of a whole new collection of holiday traditions.

However, my stepfather--probably my favorite person in the world other than my children--passed away two days before Christmas in 2004, and Christmas has been hard since then. And then, dealing with the divorce and everything changing, I was a total grinch last Christmas.

My holiday spirit is way perked up this year, although I'm not sure why. It's nice, though, so I'm just going with it :-)

I haven't updated here forever, which I feel badly about, but I've just been very busy with work and my kids and spending time with family and good friends, both old and new. Life is good, and the holiday season is the best time to realize that ... I'm glad I've finally remembered that.

Love, peace, and happy holidays to everyone :-)!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Musings ...

Barq's root beer has been a constant. Pill bottles. Empty bottles of 151 smashed on the side of the road. Laughing. Milk chocolate melts in your mouth, not in your hand. "You are my mistress". "Come burn with us". "It's not rape when you ask for it". There is no "I" in team. THAT drama again? Full-sleeve. Eight ball. $2400. Ghettofantastic. Quarter pounder with cheese at 1:30 a.m. The American with George Clooney SUCKED. Own the road. Empty promises. I love the way you lie. 211. Descendant from Ireland married a slave. Secretary. Pumpkin ale. Negative numbers. The Scarlet Letter. "You're cute". That was fucking amazing. Two seater sports car at the beach. To change a tire. Your car's safe for the road, but about to blow up. Good friends pulling through--especially PH, JG, ST-S, SW, AB, DS, and SH, who are always there when I need them. BK and BB are sometime there when I need them--on their terms, of course. PL is gone, and I really miss him sometimes. Crown Royale. Driving the old lady mobile. DROID.

Are Minorities Discouraged from Taking Upper-Level Classes?: The Elephant in the Room

As a public school teacher for sixteen years, I sometimes feel like I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen Standards come and go (and despite the brou...