Friday, February 4, 2011

Why Would Anyone Sell Seashells By the Seashore?

Kids amaze me sometimes. Like, seriously blow my mind.

We were talking about alliteration the other day, and of course one student volunteered, "She sells seashells by the seashore" as an example. At this point, one of my students, one who doesn't often offer his opinion on things, raised his hand.

Thrilled to see him interacting with the class material, I called on him.

"Ms. Loud, why would anybody sell seashells by the seashore? It just doesn't make any sense."

I now call him my great philosopher ... and offer out his question to you.



  1. Because P.T. Barnum was right - there IS a sucker born every minute.

  2. Because these ones have been hand-varnished by talented artists and given a kiss by Marilyn Monroe just before she died.

  3. Because we have all ,over the years,taken so many seashells from the beaches that there are none left. We need to buy and take our own in order to get the seashore experience.
    Jane x

  4. You have a blossoming Socrates on your hands :)

  5. Well, living in the Bahamas, those seashells make great accessories. lol!

    I love that you have such a great philosopher in the class room. It was an excellent question.

  6. I don't know. I'll ask the Eskimo selling Eskimo Pies out the back of his Escalade the next time I'm up North.

  7. Who cares how many pickles Peter picked?

  8. I don't know but my son used to sing that song as, "She sells seatbelts by the seashore.".


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