Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Nature of Dreams

Like many writers, I dream frequently and intensely (that is, when I manage to sleep).

Lately, though, I've been having a recurring dream that simultaneously leaves me excited in ways I cannot express in words and profoundly disturbed.

So what are dreams? The heart's greatest desire? Reflections of regret? Or just the psyche ejecting ballast in the only way it is capable?


  1. I go with the last thought - ejecting ballast.

  2. hehe...dreams are the brains way of messing with you while you sleep because of all the crazy things you did, read, or saw that day. lol

    You know what's weird...I NEVER had a dream about ANY of my characters. Friends have, me...nope. Nada.

  3. I think that some dreams don't really have a purpose; they're just one of those things that seem to happen for no reason

    But some dreams are a way of processing unresolved fears and desires.

  4. I have really vivid dreams too. Maybe it's a writerly thing. The idea for my second novel came in a dream. I wrote it down a few hours after I woke up. That was a pretty cool experience.

    I don't know what the purpose of dreams are. I just know it's an awesome way to escape from reality at night, haha.

  5. YAY! I can leave a comment today! Er "Dreams are a wish your heart makes?" LOL! I think they mean something. Especially the reoccuring ones.. something symbolic. Jenni

  6. I think all of them. :D Sometimes my dreams help me figure out the solutions to problems I'm having in real life. :D

  7. Do they involve vampires? LOL I have very vivid dreams. It's good to pay close attention to them. :-) Mine are usually frustration dreams. Gee...I wonder why?

  8. I don't know but last nights was erotic I didn't want to wake up...LOL

  9. I'm big on theme dreams. When I'm overwhelmed I have dreams about tidal waves/drowning, and when I feel like things suck and I have no control over the situation I dream about tornadoes.

  10. Janine--Me too, I think. Mostly. Usually.

    Marty--Yeah, it's gotta come out somewhere, I suppose : )

    Jenn--Oh, I only wish my dream was about characters in my book. That I can understand and deal with.

    DD--Good point ... so now I have to figure out the processing part ;)

    Icy Roses--And a great way to entertain other people when recounting them : )

    Giddy Mom--In that case, I'm scared of what my heart is dreaming : )

    Windsong--I think my dream might be creating problems in real life. Or else they're already there. Who knows?

    Lit Girl--No vampires : ) I suspect mine is based in frustration. It's just not possible, so I pretty much just wish it would go away.

    MD--Haha, glad you had a good night : )

    MM--It's because you suck, clearly : ) No, I think you're right ... I'll have to whip out the dream dictionary for this one : )

  11. I dream a LOT about tornadoes and demons, both of which scare the hell out of me at night but not at all when I am awake.

    There are times when I dream so vividly that I don't feel rested when I awake. But the good dreams, those that I feel for days when I wake up, are worth it all.

  12. It's the both at the same time (ecstasy and devastation) that have me so ... shaken, I guess.


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