Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Big, Bad 35

So I turn 35 tomorrow, an event that is giving me much angst and leading to people looking at me like I'm crazy when I articulate this.

Here's the thing.

When you're in your twenties, the teenage years aren't far behind you.  In fact, you can do a lot of the same things that characterized your adolescence.  The world is at your fingertips, so to speak, with the sky being the only limit ... or at least it seems that way when you're young and pretty and such.

And as you approach thirty, you realize the magic that permeates the adult world, how beautiful it is to see connections among and between people, places, things, and ideas.

By the time I was thirty, I knew without a doubt that I'd made a positive difference to a lot of people.  I had a sense of accomplishment that I took great pride in.

And when I'm forty, fifty, sixty ... well, I'll be even prouder of those accomplishments.  I'll be able to say with complete confidence that the world was a better place because I walked its roads.

I mean, I look forward to those days ...

So, yes, I am the odd duck that is perfectly okay with turning 40 ... but totally freaking out about turning 35.  Totally.

And then I realized that it's especially sad because it's a--let's face it--surface thing.  It's a youth thing.  An, "I don't want to look like an old lady", an "I'm going to have to get my eyebrows dyed as well as waxed at the salon now", an "I didn't get carded when I ordered a Captain and Coke Saturday night ... it's the first time I didn't get carded in ... well, pretty much ever" thing.

Wouldn't you think that, if you can take pride in your adult accomplishments and look forward happily to future endeavors, you could get over the fact that you're getting wrinkles and weight doesn't come off easily like it once did and so on?

Bottom line, I have to accept that the looks (such as they are ;-)), are leaving, that being funny and cute and peppy are no longer the things that'll get me through life.

After all, funny, cute, peppy forty- and fifty-year-olds are sort of perennial jokes ...

I know this is rambling and not concise and so on ... honestly, I'm about a second away from deleting it.  It'd be deleted already if I hadn't promised my friend Heather that I'd articulate the catalyst for my 35 freak-out.

Well, Heather, I attempted to articulate the catalyst.  All right, I failed, but the attempt was there ;-)

Any of my wise, articulate blog readers want to try to put the gist of what I mean into words?  The comments are all you, people :-)


  1. Hey, the only reason you didn't get carded Saturday night was that you were sitting with me, and I haven't been carded in years!

  2. The 30s have been my favorite decade! Way better than the twenties or teens because you actually KNOW things. You have the benefit of experience and wisdom, and you still have energy and excitement and the luxury of time. I turn 39 in two weeks, and I've heard the 40s are good too. Looking forward to it!

  3. You're inbetween stages. No longer a youth, but not middle-aged. We have labels for every aspect of ageing except the thirties and that can be hard to deal with at times, not because of how we fell, but because of how others feel about us.

    Ignore it. It'll go away soon. Enjoy life, love and kids.

  4. You'll be fine. Frankly I'm looking forward to being able to feel I made a positive change in the world, or at least to someone lol. I know I have but I have trouble accepting it. An early happy birthday to you.

  5. Only 35? Bah! You're just a kid! I'll be 47 a week from Thursday. I'd love to be 35 again!

    Age is just a number. Stay young in your heart and mind - that's what really counts!

  6. Umm....Happy birthday....?

    It's just a number. You're only as old as you feel. No, that's not right. You're only as old as you act. There, I like that better. I guess that makes me 12, though...

  7. Numbers mean nothing. Absolutely nothing. And I mean that. Yes, it can be overwhelming sometimes if you focus solely on the number, but, really, it's about who we are as people, not about ages.

    And I totally disagree with cute and perky being a joke for 40-50 year olds. My mom is cute as a button in her 60s and Meg Ryan will always be a doll, and look at Betty White--she's brilliant! So don't even worry about that--just be you, stay who you are, and be happy.

    I'm posting an award today and you are getting it--I hope it will make your day a little brighter and your birthday a little happier. *Hugs to you*

  8. Hey, I just turned 35 last month and I'm LOVING it! I love being in my thirties. I work out and eat right and am in better shape than I ever was in my teens and 20s . . . and I was in pretty good shape then, too! But right now, at the age of 35, I feel like I am at the prime of my life. Like I am the best I'll ever be, physically and emotionally.

    Whether or not this will turn out to be true in retrospect when I'm in my 40s remains to be seen. But, personally, I think you are actually pretty darn young at this age. You should continue to stay young at heart, KLo. It does wonders!

  9. Happy bday! And yes, you're crazy. Thirty-five is nothing. Even 40 isn't much. But 50 is where you can't really pretend anymore. ;-) So relax.

  10. Focus on 36--It's a nice, even number :)

    I agree with The Frisky Virgin.


  11. I'm probably the only woman on the planet who was happy to turn 30. I hated my 20s. And I have to say my 30s were awesome! Now that I'm closing in on 50 (in 3 years...yikes!) my 40's haven't turned out as I'd like them to be. My health is already compromised and getting old(er) isn't helping. lol!


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