Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why 4/20 is a Great Day to Teach

And no, it's not the obvious reason ... I mean, I would totally pass a drug test at this moment in time. That being said, though, working in a high school makes the day ... interesting, to say the least.

Perhaps the highlight (haha...I said, "High") was when we were having a prom committee meeting in the student lounge. It's a very small room (ideal for the "hotbox" concept, if you're at all familiar with that), and my co-class advisor and I were sitting on the floor with ten or so students (really cream of the crop students, I might add) in a loose circle.

One of the kids looked up at the clock and said, "Hey, the clock stopped at 4:20 on 4/20. How weird is that?"

We just could not stop laughing ... it was too much!

What are some random acts of laughter you've recently experienced :-)?


  1. I love when clocks do funny things like that: 4:44 or 2:22. I always stop and point it out. I need more random acts of laughter in my life.

  2. Oh, man, you've gotta love those moments as a high school teacher!

  3. That's funny ... I love moments like that. Our last one was around the dinner table when my son said something totally random and silly ... I think we were laughing from watching HIM laughing more than anything!

  4. A few years ago, when I was training to be a financial advisor, a fellow trainee mentioned that one the forms had a stock number that was the same as her mother's postcode (zip code).

    For some reason we burst out laughing and couldn't stop laughing for twenty minutes. No one else found it funny and to this day I can't explain why we did.

  5. I gave you an award. Come check it on my blog. :)


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